Global Musculoskeletal Health Working party PReS School webinar - 20 August 2024

Global Musculoskeletal Health Working party PReS School webinar - 20 August 2024

The August PReS School webinar will be on August 20, 2024, from 12:00 to 13:00 CET and the organizer will be the Global Musculoskeletal Health Working party.

Register today!

JIA WP: Survey - Joint Injection course

JIA WP: Survey - Joint Injection course

JIA Working Party of PReS is considering organizing a hands-on course focused on joint injections. This course aims to enhance the practical skills of our members in performing joint injections, which are a crucial aspect of managing juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Register for the KBE now!

Register for the KBE now!

For the second time, PReS is organizing its Knowledge-Based Exam in Pediatric Rheumatology, which will be held on 11th September 2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

It is a test of knowledge in pediatric rheumatology accessible to any specialist or future specialist regardless of their country of origin and/or training.

Read the Task Force December Newsletter

Read the Task Force December Newsletter

As we near the end of a roller coaster 2023 it is time to put out another Global Task Force Newsletter. Our community has continued to work together in the spirit of our common cause to improve the lives of young people living with musculoskeletal conditions. We continue to draw strength from the selfless determination of my friends and colleagues in this community. 

News from PReS scleroderma working party

News from PReS scleroderma working party

The PreS scleroderma working party are pleased to announce newly elected chair (Associate Professor Clare Pain, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK) and secretary (Associate Professor Giorgia Martini, Paediatric Clinic, University of Udine, Italy).

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