Read the Task Force March Newsletter

Date: 21.03.2022

As a Global Task Force, we can look back at the last 12 months and be proud of all that we have achieved; an increasing network and community of energised motivated people coming together with the common aim of improving the lives of children, young people and their families.

We have established ourselves as a global voice with representation from all over the world. A voice that is growing louder and more self-assured with time. With every step in the last year we have all been inspired by the wonderful community of paediatric rheumatologists, allied healthcare workers, orthopaedic surgeons and other musculoskeletal specialists who care so deeply about their cause and who give so freely of their time and resources to make a difference.

The future of the Global Task Force looks bright. A Steering Committee has been established and meets remotely once every month. We have developed workstreams from our Call to Action with several different projects drawing on the expertise and motivation from the entire Global Task Force. Furthermore PReS has agreed to secure the future of PMM ( and this will ensure that the PMM website and all the other resources (e.g. pGALS app and translations) will remain free and open all in perpetuity. The Task Force is integrally involved with PMM and has many members on the recently formed new PMM Editorial Board. A PMM Scoping Review is underway to revise PMM contents and ensure that they serve the global musculoskeletal health community in the best possible way. New websites have been designed for our Task Force and PMM will also have a fresh new look – both will soon go live. The Steering committee has also embarked on a process of succession planning as Professor Helen Foster plans to step down as our Task Force chair to focus on PMM related matters and other key projects with the Task Force.

So, we are busy and our momentum continues to build. In this newsletter, we are delighted to share more news and updates from around the world.

We hope that you find these articles inspiring and energising - working better together is the way forwards and is so neatly encapsulated in this African proverb:
‘If you want to go fast, go alone – if you want to go further, go together’ 


Task Force co-chairs:
Prof Chris Scott
Prof Helen Foster


Read full newsletter